Annuity leads are people with their name, address, email, phone number, age, gender, city and state, as well as investment money available, how much they want to invest in an annuity, and household income. The lead will also be confirmed that they are willing to talk to an agent.
An exclusive annuity lead is a person with their name, address, email, phone number, age, gender, city and state, as well as investment money available, how much they want to invest in an annuity, and household income. The lead will also be confirmed that they are willing to talk to an agent. Sold on an exclusive basis to only 1 agent.
Cost $275 per exclusive lead. This cost is justified by how we generate the leads are generated. First, we create a campaign exclusive to each client. Then we agree on an offer/angle into the market. We go over a few different things. After leads are generated we nurture them for 10 days to increase your contact rate.
Close-ratio of 10%-25%. Annuity sales success can vary, but if you average what we average, you should write over $300,000 of annuity premium for every 10 leads. Your biggest cost is opportunity loss, not the cost of a lead! A consistent empty space in your calendar will cost you more than any leads system you ever pay for.
Our theory about leads is simple, some are good and some are not good. We believe in the "Law of Large Numbers." Every lead is exclusive, only sold once, and delivered instantly to you.
It has been our experience that at least 1 out of 10 leads will be a sale (our average is closer to 1 out of 4). Your actual results may be better or worse. The important thing is a constant flow of leads, week after week, month after month. It is all about numbers.
We live by the Golden Rule: Remember, we use these leads for our personal production.
Also, leads are not a sale; they are an invitation to a relationship. The rest is up to you, the annuity agent. We are annuity agents ourselves and we understand how important fresh, qualified annuity leads can be. These leads work for us and there is a very good chance they will work for you.
No! Never! Our leads are completely exclusive.
Google Sheet, Text, CRM and/or Email
Nothing. Our experience has been positive. Nearly 100% of the leads will respond providing you call as soon as you receive the lead. The lead has been informed that a licensed agent will contact them. Some leads will work and some won't. It is all about numbers.
There is a 50 lead minimum order because you need a good order size to get proper statics on your ROI
Lead flows are based on internet traffic, which is based on population. Generally, lead flow begins in a day or so after placing your order.
Yes, many agents do just that. However, having more than one lead source is a smart approach.
Just inform us and we will stop sending you leads. Easy.
Leads are on a first-come, first-served basis. Call us and we will be happy to discuss what might be accomplished.
The leads provided are not bought from a wholesaler who sells cheap low quality leads. We use Social Media and Google to generate leads in real time.
A lead doesn't become a lead by simply filling in their contact info. They become a lead after the take a long form survey. This is exactly what generates high quality leads.
If we become one of your lead providers, what do you think will happen with the growth of your business. On average for every $100 spent with us , our clients make around $2000 over time.
Many companies claim to generate exclusive annuity leads, but they usually lead their customer astray, making them chase non-existent prospects. Our leads are generally local and can be within a radius of about 16 km (10 miles) from where you are, or your choice radius. We usually gather data about our qualified prospects, so we have their contact information, street addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and names. We have to verify all this information using Financialize and other channels before we load them onto our platform; whether they are leads for advisors or life insurance leads.
When you subscribe to our platform to get qualified annuity leads, we guarantee that any lead we give you will not be given to any other agent or advisor. We generate these leads by ourselves, so they are 100% exclusive annuity leads. That explains why you may have to pay a reasonable amount per lead that you choose. If anything, our leads have a higher conversion percentage, so you'll most likely close a deal.
We do background checks to ensure the information is accurate, and the prospects are seriously looking for annuity services. We keep our promise. Each of our leads is sold only to one person, so you'll not have to compete against your peers. We are cautious about posting our ads. We only choose platforms where we know we can net many prospects. Meaning, we'll supply you with any number of leads you need to sustain your business.
We deal with hundreds, if not thousands of leads annuity from prospects. Each prospect is at a different level of purchasing decision. Some are very new in this field and are still researching to help them choose an annuity that can satisfy their needs. This is the best stage to reach out to a prospect because it will be a little easier to influence them.
Other prospects are well informed and are almost making their buying decision, whether to buy or not. That notwithstanding, if you talk to such a prospect and you realize they have some interest in buying, put more effort never to lose them. Even if a prospect turns you down today, it doesn't mean they can never change their mind. You might be surprised when you receive a call from the least expected quarters.
Research has shown that about 70% of insurance leads and other prospects who make inquiries about buying may still be interested in buying even after six months from the time they made the inquiries. This clearly tells you that you need to be a little more aggressive with your followups on leads annuity to achieve higher conversion rates. The good news is that our platform has tools that can help you with the followups.
We are experts in generating high-quality exclusive leads that ensure our customers get value for money. You'll only pay for the lead you receive. Our lead caps are very competitive and are available in large numbers so you can close as many deals as possible. We leverage innovative annuity marketing techniques that enable us to get more qualified leads than most lead companies. We also have annuity leads preset appointments for customers who want to be met at their homes or in the office.
Our platform has annuity lead filters that can help you get only annuity leads that suit your marketing objectives. The filters work such that the exclusive financial advisor leads can be separated from annuity leads for insurance agents to ensure each professional only gets leads relevant to his/her business. You can use geographical filters to set the region where you want your leads to come from and age filters to set minimum or maximum age limits for the leads you want.
We know that you might have spent a fortune chasing recycled or rehashed leads from unscrupulous agents. That's why we've made our services affordable to console you. We understand that as you grow, we'll also grow. We also have an annuity lead program for insurance agents and other agents in the financial industry that can enable them to identify a qualified annuity or an annuity lead.
Our leads are organic because we generate them in-house. They are also highly targeted because they are generated by our team of SEO experts who have experience in generating high-quality leads. We focus on traffic and ranking so you can focus on sales and ROI. Our online marketing tools are so advanced that they enable us to reach only the target audience. Our insurance leads are suitable for insurance agents interested in offering life insurance, motor vehicle insurance, property insurance, liabilities insurance, and many other classes of insurance covers.
Once you sign up on our platform, we'll create you a unique dashboard where you can track your actions. We'll provide you with a custom login to easily access your leads on a single interface. We also provide technical support in case you have problems managing your dashboard.
Whether you are an IMO, agent, insurance agent, we'll provide you with exclusive leads that will boost your bottom line. Contact us today, and start enjoying our services. We'll get you the best annuity leads for advisors and insurance leads that will bring you better returns.