Getting clients out there to know your personal injury services is critical. How you get new personal injury clients will depend on a variety of advertising techniques. If you haven’t tried digital marketing yet then your firm is really missing out. In digital advertising, we can categorize the options in two possible ways, Pay Per Person/Pay Per Lead and other forms of traditional advertising.
But as a personal injury attorney, you might have heard that PPL is better than other
legal marketing
methods. Well, you’ll find out in a bit.
What Is A Pay Per Personal Injury Lead?
The pay-per-lead program is quite simple and works with a lead-generating service
like us. Essentially, what we do is look for prospects and lead them to your firm. If they are interested in your services, we’ll prompt them to fill in a form, or subscription and then sell the “lead” to you.
So, let’s say we got found someone through a search engine browsing for "personal injury lawyer near me" and target them as per metrics in our advertising techniques. If the prospect fills in their details, we’ll take steps to verify the quality of this lead (including possible conversion rate) and then sell it to you so that you can complete the follow-up.
How Is Pay Per Personal Injury Lead Generation Different?
PPL is quite different from other forms of marketing because it largely focuses on the quality of returns which bring a higher ROI in the future. Our robust leads service makes sure each auto accident lead is solid and will most likely do business with your personal injury law firm. Other forms of advertisement are only great when you want to get noticed and need to carve out your name as a personal injury firm.
Most of the tactics used in these forms of marketing include SEO, Google My Business, PPC ads, chatbots, and social media. Through these campaign methods, the client is able to know which terms are mostly used, how to craft their website for optimization, and ultimately increase website traffic.
Pay per auto accident leads
are, however, used to achieve results and are greatly incentivized. As much as it is a
cost-intensive campaign, you are sure to get successful results within a shorter period than, let’s
say, local SEO. Luckily, with PPL, you can choose how many car accident leads you’d want and how long your legal lead generation contract should last. It helps free yourself from the nitty-gritty of personal injury marketing, getting you straight at the frontline of getting potential customers.
Our personal injury leads generation service has been tested and used by top
law firms
for years. We have helped attorneys
secure big clients at a fraction of what would cost television ads or radio campaigns. Our exclusive leads generation team is ready to take your firm to the next level and guarantee positive returns on investment.
We Help Auto Accident Law Firms Get Leads!
Need more information about pay per personal injury leads? Don’t hesitate to contact our offices for a free quote. We might just have your firm's next client!