A personal injury
settlement often occurs after an accident victim initiates legal action against the responsible party. While not always true, many cases resolve through a settlement before ever proceeding to a court of law.
Some statistics suggest that as many as 95% of pending lawsuits resolve in pre-trial settlements, which means that only one in
20 personal injury lawsuits
is resolved in a court of law.
One of the most pressing questions that remain about personal injury lawsuits, however, is exactly how much the average settlement is worth. Unfortunately, there is actually no such thing as an average personal injury leads
Instead, the amount of compensation that a person can expect to receive depends on a number of unique factors. In many cases, however, it is possible to arrive at an average idea of how much a settlement will be by conducting research about similar cases.
Some of the factors that influence the amount of a personal injury settlement. The damages that resulted from an accident. The amount received in a settlement is designed to compensate for numerous types of damages including emotional damages, lost wages, medical costs, pain and suffering, and property damage.
The degree of these damages will influence the amount of compensation that you are ultimately able to seek. The value of the responsible party’s assets. An accident victim’s settlement can be limited if the person responsible for the accident has limited financial resources.
As a result, it is a wise idea for an accident victim
to take the responsible party’s amount of assets or insurance policy limits into consideration when deciding whether to accept a settlement.
Avoid releasing your medical records to the responsible party’s insurance company. Perform a full investigation of the accident by obtaining medical reports, police reports, and witness statements about how an accident
By the term “ Personal Injury”, you likely are refeed to “Bodily injury” opposed to libel and or slander.
Typical injury settlement are non-existent. There are too many variables. Partial list follows.
Liability issues such as comparative, contributory or no liability.
Profile of claimant. Age, vocation, marital status, income, criminal history, claim history and many other variables.
Type of injury. Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis and other medical factors.
Who provided treatment, family doctor, specialist, ER doctor, PA, chiropractor, reflexologist, tribal medicine man, witch doctor or other care giver.
Jurisdiction that applies to the claim.
Reputation of the insured and claimant in their community.
Are there “horror factors”?
If represented by an attorney, the reputation of the attorney. I have settled some claim for less money for less money than I had evaluated the claim
to be worth before the claimant was represented by an attorney. I did not feel guilty about these cases because they where nuisance cases where injury was exaggerated and or the claimant had a toxic type personality.
This is a partial list and some factors may or may not apply to every claim. The “typical bodily aka personal Injury claim does not exist.